Elevate Your Listing with
Professional Photography

Your listing photography matters more than you think it does. In this installment of Things Sellers Do that Drive Buyers Crazy, we delve into the critical importance of high-quality visuals for selling your home. With over 30 years of experience in metro Detroit real estate, I've seen firsthand how strategic photography can significantly impact sales.

Hear what the founder of the Integrity Team, Gwyn Daubenmeyer Has to say:

Key Tips for Effective Listing Photography

Use Professional Photography

Don't settle for amateur snapshots taken with phones. Invest in professional photography to capture your home's best features from strategic angles. High-quality images serve as your home's online dating profile, attracting buyers and driving interest.

Avoid Redundancy

Leading with multiple shots of the front view can quickly lose buyers' interest. Optimize your photo selection by showcasing the five best shots first, including the kitchen, great room, primary bedroom, and back view. Arrange subsequent photos in the order of a typical walkthrough to maintain engagement.

Quality Over Quantity

While more photos may seem beneficial, focus on posting images that flatter your home and highlight its features. Avoid showcasing areas like furnace rooms or messy storage spaces, as these are best left to be seen in person. Maintain transparency by presenting your home accurately, without exaggeration or misleading visuals.

Only Work with the Best

Embrace the possibilities of Oakland County living! Our dedicated team at Integrity Team will be your partner, ensuring a smooth and stress-free search. Let's find your dream home – the perfect place to put down roots and create lasting memories in this exciting community!